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Purple Fountain Grass: A Graceful Addition to Any Garden

**Purple Fountain Grass: A Graceful Addition to Any Garden**

Purple Fountain ⁢Grass: A Graceful Addition to Any⁢ Garden

Standing ⁤tall ‌and proud,​ purple fountain grass‌ is a striking‍ addition to any garden. With its airy, feathery plumes and vibrant purple ​color, it’s sure to turn heads. But this ornamental grass is more than just a pretty⁤ face.‍ It’s ‌also ‌a low-maintenance plant that’s ⁢drought-tolerant and deer-resistant.

If you’re looking for a beautiful and easy-care plant to add to ⁣your garden, ‍purple fountain grass is ⁣a great option. Keep reading ‌to learn more about ⁢this ⁤graceful grass and ‌how to grow it in⁤ your own backyard.

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Purple Fountain Grass: A ⁣Graceful Addition to Any Garden

Purple⁢ Fountain Grass: A Graceful ⁣Addition to ⁤Any ⁣Garden

Purple ⁢fountain grass is a beautiful and graceful ​grass ‍that adds a touch of ​elegance to any garden. It ⁢is​ also ‌relatively easy​ to grow, making it a great choice for even the most novice gardener.

Planting and Care

Purple⁤ fountain grass ​is a warm-season grass that‌ is best planted in the ‌spring or early‌ summer. It prefers⁣ full sun and⁢ well-drained soil.‌ Once established, purple fountain grass is drought tolerant and requires ‍little water.

To plant ⁤purple fountain grass, dig a hole that is twice the width of the ⁢root​ ball.‌ Place the root ball in⁢ the hole ‌and fill ​it with soil. Water the plant well​ and mulch around the base to help ⁣retain moisture.


Purple fountain grass does not require much‍ maintenance.​ In the spring, ⁣you can cut the grass back ​to about ⁣6 inches tall. ⁣This will help to promote ​new growth. You may also want to ​fertilize the ⁢plant once‍ a year in ‌the spring.

Pests and Diseases

Purple fountain grass is generally ​pest-free. However, it can be susceptible to fungal diseases such as‍ rust and leaf spot. If you notice any signs of ⁢disease, you can treat the plant with​ a‌ fungicide.


Purple fountain grass is a beautiful⁤ and‍ versatile plant that can ⁣be used in a variety of‍ ways in the garden. ​It can be used as a⁣ border plant, as‍ a specimen plant, or in​ a mass ​planting. Purple fountain grass also makes ⁢a‍ great​ cut flower.


In addition to its beauty,⁤ purple fountain‍ grass‌ also has a number of benefits. It is a‍ good source ⁣of nectar for‍ butterflies and other pollinators. It⁣ is also ⁢drought tolerant and makes a great choice for low-maintenance gardens.


Purple fountain grass is a ⁣beautiful⁣ and graceful grass that is sure to ⁢add⁢ a ⁤touch of elegance to any garden. It is easy to grow⁣ and care ⁤for, making it a great choice for even⁢ the most novice gardener.

‍The Beauty of Purple Fountain Grass

The ⁣Beauty of Purple ​Fountain Grass

Purple fountain ‍grass is a beautiful and versatile ornamental grass that can add a touch of ⁣elegance to any garden. It ⁢is also relatively easy to care for, making it a ⁢great choice for gardeners of all levels of​ experience.

Here are some of the​ benefits of adding purple fountain ‍grass to ‍your garden:

  • It is a striking ‌and eye-catching addition to any landscape. The⁣ purple ​foliage of purple fountain grass provides a bold contrast to other plants in the ‌garden, making it a great way to⁢ add interest and visual appeal.
  • It is ⁣drought-tolerant and low-maintenance. Purple ⁤fountain grass does not require a lot of water, making it a great choice for ‍gardeners who live in dry climates ⁢or who do not have‍ a lot of time to water ⁣their plants.​ It is also resistant to pests⁣ and diseases, making ⁤it a low-maintenance option.
  • It⁢ is a versatile plant⁣ that can be used in a ​variety of ways. Purple⁣ fountain grass can be used​ as a​ border, as‌ a filler plant, or as​ a specimen plant. It can also be used in‍ containers or as a ⁢cut flower.

If you‍ are looking for a beautiful and easy-care ornamental grass for your ​garden, purple fountain grass is a great option. It is sure to ‌add ⁢a touch of elegance to your ​landscape and make your garden a more beautiful place.

Here are ​some tips for growing purple fountain grass:

  • Choose a location​ that receives⁢ full sun‍ or partial⁢ shade.
  • Purple fountain grass does ‌best in well-drained soil.
  • Water regularly, ⁤especially during‌ dry periods.
  • Fertilize ⁤monthly with ‌a balanced fertilizer.
  • Divide‌ the plants every 3-4 years to keep them healthy and vigorous.

With proper care, purple fountain grass can be a beautiful and long-lived addition to your garden.

How to Grow Purple Fountain Grass

How to Grow Purple Fountain Grass

Purple ‌fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum) ‌is a beautiful and versatile grass that⁣ can add a touch ⁣of elegance to any garden. It‌ is easy to grow and care for, and it can tolerate‌ a wide range of conditions.

Growing Purple Fountain Grass

Purple fountain ⁤grass is a warm-season grass ​that ‌is native to Africa. ⁣It‍ grows best in full sun ‍and well-drained soil. It‌ can tolerate‍ drought and heat, but it does not do well​ in wet ⁤or soggy ⁤soil.

To ‌grow purple fountain grass,‌ start ‌by planting seeds or seedlings in the spring.

The seeds⁣ can be started indoors or outdoors..

If you are starting seeds indoors, ​sow them in a seed tray filled with sterile potting mix. Cover‌ the ⁢seeds with a thin layer of soil and keep the soil ‍moist. The seeds will germinate in about⁤ two⁣ weeks.

If ​you are starting seedlings outdoors, sow the seeds directly in the ⁤garden after the last frost.‌ Space the seedlings about 2 feet ‍apart. The seedlings will grow quickly and ​will reach maturity ‌in about three months.

Once the plants are‌ established, ‌they will require ⁣little care. ‍Water them regularly during dry periods, and‌ fertilize them once a month with a balanced fertilizer. Purple fountain grass is a deer-resistant plant, so you‍ do⁢ not have⁤ to ⁤worry about it being eaten by deer.

Caring for Purple Fountain ⁤Grass

Purple fountain grass⁢ is a low-maintenance plant that‍ is easy to care for. Here are a​ few​ tips for caring for purple fountain grass:

  • Water‌ regularly during dry periods.
  • Fertilize once a month with a balanced fertilizer.
  • Deadhead spent flowers to encourage new growth.
  • Divide the plants every three to four years to keep them healthy.

Pests and Diseases

Purple fountain grass‌ is a relatively pest- and disease-free plant. However,⁢ it ‍can be susceptible to‍ a ‌few problems, such as:

  • Leaf⁢ spot:⁢ This fungal disease‍ causes brown spots on the⁢ leaves. To treat leaf spot, spray the⁢ plants with a fungicide.
  • Rust: This fungal disease causes orange or brown pustules‍ on the‌ leaves. To treat rust, spray the plants with a fungicide.
  • Mealybugs: These⁣ small, sap-sucking insects can cause ‌damage to the‍ leaves and stems. To control mealybugs, spray the plants with a insecticidal soap or neem oil.

Harvesting​ Purple Fountain Grass

Purple fountain‍ grass can be harvested for its ornamental value ‍or for its edible seeds. To harvest⁣ the ornamental grass, cut the stems back to the ground in ⁣the fall. The grass will regrow in the spring.

To harvest the seeds, wait until the seed heads turn brown and dry. Cut the seed ​heads off the plants and place⁣ them in a paper bag. The seeds will thresh out when the seed heads are shaken.

Purple ‌fountain grass is a beautiful and versatile grass that can add a ‍touch ‌of elegance to any garden. It is easy to grow and care for, and it can‍ tolerate a wide range of conditions.

⁣Where⁤ to Plant Purple Fountain Grass

Where to Plant Purple ⁤Fountain‌ Grass

Purple fountain grass is a beautiful ornamental grass that can add ​a ‍touch of elegance‍ to any garden. It is⁣ hardy ​in⁤ USDA zones 4-9 ⁤and grows well ​in full sun to⁤ partial shade. Purple fountain grass prefers‍ moist, well-drained soil, but it can⁤ tolerate some drought conditions.

When choosing a location for purple fountain grass,‍ it is important to consider‌ the⁢ mature size of the plant. Purple fountain grass​ can⁤ reach heights of 4-6 feet tall and spread 3-4 feet wide. It is ​best to plant purple ⁢fountain grass in an ‌area where it will have⁤ plenty⁣ of room to ⁤grow.

Purple ‌fountain grass can be planted in a variety ‍of garden settings. It looks ​beautiful in‌ flower beds, borders, ‍and⁤ naturalized areas. It can also be used as a screen or hedge.

When planting⁣ purple fountain grass, it is important to dig‌ a hole that is⁣ twice the width ⁤of the root ‍ball. Backfill​ the‌ hole ​with soil and water ‍the plant well. Mulch around the plant to help retain moisture and prevent ‌weeds.

Purple fountain grass is a‌ low-maintenance plant⁣ that requires little⁤ care. It should be watered regularly during dry periods and fertilized once a year in the spring.‌ Purple fountain grass can be divided in the spring or fall to propagate new plants.

Table of Purple Fountain Grass Varieties

Variety Height Spread Hardiness Zone
‘Karl Foerster’ 4-6 ​feet 3-4 feet USDA Zones 4-9
‘Plumosa’ 3-4 feet 2-3 feet USDA Zones 4-9
‘Sturm’ 4-5 feet 3-4 feet USDA Zones 4-9
‘Rubra’ 4-5 feet 3-4 feet USDA Zones 4-9
‘Green Goddess’ 3-4⁢ feet 2-3 feet USDA Zones 4-9

Purple fountain grass is a beautiful and versatile plant that can add a ⁢touch​ of elegance to any garden. It⁤ is ⁣relatively easy to care for, ‌but there ⁤are‌ a few ⁤things you can do‌ to ensure that your purple fountain grass stays ⁤healthy and ‍vibrant.

  • Watering: Purple fountain grass needs regular⁤ watering, but it is ⁢important not to overwater it.‌ The soil should ⁢be moist but not soggy.
  • Fertilizing: Purple fountain grass does not need a lot of fertilizer, but it‌ can benefit from a ​light application of fertilizer once or ‌twice a year.
  • Pruning: Purple ​fountain grass should be pruned in the early⁤ spring to remove any dead or damaged stems. ⁤You ​can also prune it to​ keep it at the desired height.
  • Diseases and pests: Purple fountain ‌grass is​ relatively‌ resistant⁢ to diseases and ⁢pests, but ‍it can be susceptible to spider mites and aphids. ⁤If you notice any pests, you can treat them ⁢with a neem oil spray ‌or ‌insecticidal soap.

With proper care, purple fountain grass can add beauty and⁣ interest to your ‍garden ‍for many ​years to come.

Table of Contents


Purple fountain grass ⁢needs regular watering, but it is important not to overwater​ it.‌ The soil ‍should​ be moist but ⁤not⁤ soggy. The best way to determine if ⁤your ‍purple fountain grass needs water is to stick your finger in‌ the ​soil. If the soil ‍is dry to⁣ the touch, it is time to ⁤water.

How often to​ water purple fountain grass:

  • In the spring and summer, water your purple fountain grass once‍ or twice a week.
  • In the fall and winter, water your purple fountain grass less frequently, only when the soil ‍is dry.


Purple fountain grass does not need a lot of fertilizer, but it can benefit from a light application of fertilizer once or twice a year. The best time to fertilize your purple‍ fountain grass⁣ is in the spring, before it starts to grow new leaves.

What to use to fertilize purple fountain grass:

  • You can use‌ a general-purpose ⁣fertilizer, such as​ a 10-10-10 fertilizer.
  • You can also use a fertilizer specifically⁣ formulated ‍for ⁤grasses.

How much to fertilize purple⁢ fountain grass:

  • Follow the directions on the fertilizer label for the amount to use.
  • Typically, you will only need‌ to use a⁢ small amount of fertilizer, ⁤about ⁣1/2 cup per 10 square feet of area.


Purple fountain ‌grass should be pruned in⁤ the early spring to remove any dead or damaged‍ stems. You can also prune it to keep it at the desired height.

How ​to⁢ prune purple fountain ⁢grass:

  • Use a pair of sharp shears or ‌pruning clippers.
  • Cut​ the stems‍ back to about 1/2 ‌inch above the⁣ ground.
  • If you‌ want to keep your purple fountain grass at⁤ a specific height, cut the stems back to the desired height.

Diseases⁢ and pests

Purple fountain grass is ​relatively resistant to ⁤diseases and pests, but it can ⁤be susceptible to spider mites‌ and aphids. ​If you notice any pests, you can treat them with ‍a neem oil spray or ‌insecticidal ‍soap.

How to treat spider mites​ and aphids on purple fountain grass:

  • Spray the plants with a neem oil ⁣spray or insecticidal soap.
  • Repeat the treatment every few days until ​the pests‍ are‍ gone.
  • If the infestation is⁤ severe, you ‍may need to use a stronger ⁤insecticide.

Purple Fountain Grass: ‌A Problem-Free ⁤Plant

Purple Fountain Grass: A ⁢Problem-Free Plant

Purple​ fountain ⁢grass is​ a beautiful, low-maintenance ​plant that can add a touch of elegance to any garden. It is native ‍to⁣ North America and grows in‍ a variety of conditions, from full sun to partial shade. The grass has long, slender leaves ⁢that are purple-red in​ color,⁤ and ​it produces ⁢delicate‍ pink flowers in​ the ⁣summer.

Purple​ fountain grass is a‍ relatively problem-free plant. It is drought-tolerant ‍and does not require much fertilizer. It is also resistant to pests and diseases. The only potential problem with purple fountain grass ‍is‌ that it can spread ‍quickly if not properly controlled.

If you ‌are looking for a beautiful, low-maintenance plant to add to your garden, purple fountain grass ⁣is⁢ a great option. It is easy ‌to grow and care⁢ for, and it will add a touch of elegance‌ to your outdoor space.

Benefits of Purple⁣ Fountain Grass

  • Beautiful: Purple fountain grass is a striking plant ​with its long, purple-red leaves and delicate ‌pink flowers. It can add a touch of elegance to any garden.
  • Low-maintenance: Purple fountain grass is a⁢ relatively problem-free plant. It⁢ is drought-tolerant and does not require‌ much fertilizer. It is also resistant to pests and diseases.
  • Versatile: Purple fountain grass can‍ grow in a variety of conditions, from full sun to partial⁤ shade. It can also be used‍ in a variety of settings, ‌including‌ gardens, flower beds, ⁢and containers.

How⁢ to ⁣Grow Purple Fountain Grass

Purple fountain grass is easy to grow from seed or ​transplant. If ⁤you are‍ starting from seed, sow the seeds in a⁣ well-drained soil in ​the spring.⁢ The​ seeds will germinate‌ in about‍ 2 weeks. If you are transplanting, plant the seedlings in the spring or fall. The plants ⁢will⁢ reach full size in about 2 years.

Purple fountain grass does not require ​much fertilizer. A light application of fertilizer in ‌the spring will help⁤ the plants to grow and produce⁢ flowers. The plants are also drought-tolerant and do not require⁢ much water.

Purple fountain grass is a relatively problem-free plant. It is resistant to ‌pests and diseases. The only potential problem with purple fountain grass is that it can spread quickly if not properly controlled.


Purple fountain grass is a beautiful, ‌low-maintenance plant that⁤ can add a touch of elegance to any garden. It is easy to​ grow and care for, and it will add a touch of ‍elegance to your outdoor space.


Q: What is⁤ purple fountain grass?

A: Purple ‌fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum) is a type of‌ ornamental grass that is ⁤native to tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, and Australia. It is characterized by its long, slender leaves that are purple-red in color.​ Purple⁣ fountain grass grows ​to a height of 3-5‌ feet and spreads to a width of 2-3⁤ feet. ‌It⁤ is a popular choice for gardens because it ⁤is ⁣drought-tolerant, low-maintenance, and provides a striking​ visual element.

Q: ⁣What ‌are the benefits of growing purple fountain grass?

A:⁤ There are many benefits to growing‍ purple fountain grass in your garden. These include:

  • Drought ⁢tolerance: Purple fountain grass is very drought-tolerant, ‍making it​ a great choice for gardens in dry climates.
  • Low-maintenance: Purple fountain grass is very low-maintenance, requiring only occasional watering and fertilization.
  • Visual appeal: Purple fountain grass is a beautiful addition​ to any garden, ⁤providing a striking visual element.
  • Attracts wildlife: Purple fountain grass attracts a variety ‍of ⁣wildlife, including birds, butterflies, and bees.

Q: How do I grow purple fountain grass?

A: Growing purple fountain ⁢grass is easy. Simply follow ‍these steps:

  1. Choose a sunny location ‌in​ your garden.
  2. Prepare ‌the soil by digging a ⁣hole that is⁢ twice the size⁢ of the root ball.
  3. Add a mixture of‍ compost and potting soil to the hole.
  4. Place the root ball ​in the hole and fill in ​with soil.
  5. Water the plant ‌thoroughly.

Q: How do I‌ care for purple fountain grass?

A: Purple fountain grass is very easy to care​ for. Simply⁢ follow these tips:

  • Water ‍the plant regularly, especially during‌ dry periods.
  • Fertilize the plant once a year in the⁣ spring.
  • Prune the plant in the late ⁤winter or early spring to remove any⁤ dead or damaged ‍foliage.
  • Divide⁣ the plant every 3-4 years ⁤to keep it healthy and ⁤vigorous.

Q: What are some common problems⁤ with purple fountain grass?

A: There are a few common problems that can affect purple fountain grass, including:

  • Weevils: Weevils ⁣can damage the leaves of purple fountain grass. To ⁢control⁤ weevils,​ spray the plants with a horticultural oil ‌or insecticidal soap.
  • Rust: Rust ‍can cause the leaves of purple fountain grass to‍ turn yellow or brown. To ⁤control rust, ​spray the​ plants with a fungicide.
  • Powdery mildew: Powdery mildew ‌can cause the leaves of​ purple fountain‍ grass to become covered in a white⁢ powdery substance. ‌To control powdery mildew, spray the⁢ plants with a fungicide.

Q: Where can I buy purple fountain‌ grass?

A: Purple fountain grass is available at most garden centers and online retailers.

Future Outlook

Purple Fountain Grass: A Graceful Addition to Any ‍Garden

Purple fountain grass is a beautiful and versatile plant that can add a touch of elegance to any ⁤garden. It is relatively easy to care for and can tolerate a wide range ⁣of conditions, making it a good choice for ​gardeners of all skill levels.

Whether you want‌ to add ⁤a splash of color to your ‍flower bed⁤ or create a focal point in your ⁢yard, purple fountain grass is a great option. It​ is a graceful and ‌elegant plant that will add ⁤beauty and interest to your garden for years‍ to⁣ come.

Here are ​some tips for growing purple fountain grass:

  • Choose a location with full sun‍ or partial shade.
  • The soil should be well-drained ‍and ‌fertile.
  • Water regularly,‌ especially during dry spells.
  • Fertilize with⁢ a balanced fertilizer once a month during ​the growing season.
  • Divide the clumps every few years to keep them healthy and vigorous.

With ​a little care, purple fountain grass can⁢ add a touch of beauty and elegance to any​ garden.

Dr. Amanda Owen
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