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Flowers That Attract Hummingbirds (Not Bees): Our Top Picks

Flowers That Attract Hummingbirds (Not Bees): Our Top Picks

Hummingbirds‍ are amazing creatures, and⁤ they‌ deserve to be celebrated. These‍ tiny‌ birds are not ‍only‌ beautiful, but they also play an ⁣important⁢ role in the ecosystem. They help to pollinate flowers, which is essential⁤ for the production⁣ of fruits and⁣ seeds.

One of the best ‍ways to attract hummingbirds to your yard is to ‌plant flowers that they love. Hummingbirds are attracted to‍ flowers that are red, orange, or purple, and they also ‍like flowers that have a lot of nectar.

In this article, we will share⁤ our ⁣top ‌picks for flowers that attract hummingbirds. ‌We will also provide tips‌ on how to plant and care for these flowers so that you can enjoy their beauty and the benefits of their pollination.

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The Best Flowers for Hummingbirds

The ‍Best Flowers for Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds are attracted to flowers that are brightly⁣ colored, tubular-shaped, and produce nectar. They ⁤also like flowers that are ⁢easy to reach, so choose varieties that have ⁣long, thin petals or that grow low to the ground.

Here are some of ‍the best flowers for hummingbirds:

  • Zinnias are ​a popular choice for hummingbirds because they come ⁢in a variety of‍ colors and bloom all summer long.
  • Petunias are another good option for⁢ hummingbirds. They are‌ available ​in a variety of colors and​ shapes, and they attract⁣ hummingbirds‌ with their sweet nectar.
  • Marigolds are a great⁣ choice for hummingbirds because they produce a lot of nectar. They also have ⁣a strong⁢ scent that ​hummingbirds love.
  • Lavender ⁤ is​ a beautiful flower⁤ that hummingbirds ⁤love. It has a sweet scent ​and ⁢produces a ⁢lot of nectar.
  • Salvia is a⁣ hummingbird magnet. It has tubular⁢ flowers that are filled with nectar.

In addition to ⁢these flowers, there are many other ‍types of⁣ flowers that hummingbirds enjoy. When​ choosing flowers for your garden, be sure to select varieties that are attractive to hummingbirds. You’ll be ⁣rewarded with a constant stream ⁤of these beautiful ​birds all summer long.

Flower Color Bloom Time Nectar Production
Zinnias Varied Summer High
Petunias Varied Summer High
Marigolds Yellow, Orange Summer High
Lavender Purple Summer High
Salvia Varied Summer High

How to Attract Hummingbirds to Your Garden

How to Attract Hummingbirds to Your Garden

Hummingbirds are a beautiful addition to any garden, and they’re relatively easy to⁣ attract‍ with the right ‌plants. Here are a few of ⁤our top picks for flowers that ⁢attract hummingbirds:

  • Zinnias ⁣are a classic choice for hummingbird gardens, and they come in​ a variety of colors to please any eye. Hummingbirds love the nectar from zinnias, and they’ll often be seen hovering around these​ flowers.
  • Petunias are another popular choice for hummingbird⁢ gardens, and they’re available​ in a wide range of ‌colors and varieties. Hummingbirds love the nectar ‌from petunias, and they’ll often be seen sipping from these flowers.
  • Marigolds are a ⁢great‌ choice for hummingbird gardens because they produce a‌ lot of nectar.‌ Hummingbirds love the ​bright colors‌ of marigolds, and​ they’ll often be seen perching on these flowers.
  • Begonias are a good choice for ⁢hummingbird ​gardens because they produce a lot⁣ of nectar ⁣and they’re available ⁤in a variety of colors. ⁢Hummingbirds​ love ⁣the nectar from begonias, and they’ll often be seen hovering around ⁣these flowers.
  • Lantana is a great ​choice for hummingbird​ gardens because it produces a lot of nectar and it blooms ⁢all⁣ summer long. Hummingbirds love‍ the nectar from lantana, and they’ll⁣ often be seen⁢ perching on these flowers.

In addition to⁢ these‍ flowers, ⁢there are a few other things you ⁤can ⁣do to attract hummingbirds⁤ to your garden:

  • Plant flowers that ⁣bloom at ​different times of the ​year. This will ensure that there is always something blooming for hummingbirds⁢ to feed on.
  • Place your flowers in a sunny spot. Hummingbirds​ love⁣ the sun, so they’ll be more likely to visit your garden if you plant your flowers in a sunny spot.
  • Provide a water source for hummingbirds. Hummingbirds need water to ​drink and bathe,⁢ so providing a water source will help to attract them to your ‌garden.
  • Hang a ​hummingbird feeder. Hummingbirds love to drink ⁣nectar,⁢ so hanging a hummingbird feeder will‌ give them a convenient place to get their fix.

By following ​these tips, you ‌can ⁢attract hummingbirds ‍to your⁣ garden and enjoy their beauty all summer long.

Hummingbird-Friendly Plants for Every Season

Hummingbird-Friendly ‌Plants⁣ for Every Season

Hummingbirds are a⁤ beautiful addition to any‌ garden, and they’re relatively easy to attract with the right plants.⁣ Here are some of our favorite hummingbird-friendly ‍plants⁤ for each season:

  • Spring: Spring is the time for new growth, and hummingbirds love to visit flowers that are just starting to bloom. Some of⁢ their ‍favorites include:

      • Daffodils

      • Tulips

      • Violas

      • Pansies

      • Primroses

  • Summer: Summer‌ is the time for ⁣hummingbirds to really get⁤ going, and they’ll‌ be looking‍ for flowers that are ⁢constantly blooming. Some of their favorites include:

      • Petunias

      • Zinnias

      • Marigolds

      • Chrysanthemums

      • Lantanas

  • Fall: Fall is the time for hummingbirds to start ⁣migrating, but‍ they’ll still be around for⁤ a few weeks. Some of their favorite flowers ⁢for fall include:

      • Asters

      • Coneflowers

      • Goldenrods

      • Sage

      • Yarrow

  • Winter: Winter is the time for ⁤hummingbirds‌ to really hunker ‍down, and they’ll be looking for flowers that provide food and ​shelter.‌ Some of​ their favorites for winter include:

      • Honeysuckle

      • Winter jasmine

      • Holly

      • Clematis

      • Camellias

By planting a variety of hummingbird-friendly plants, you can enjoy their beauty ‍and their⁤ songs all ⁢year long.

Tips for ‌Growing Hummingbird-Friendly Flowers

Tips for Growing Hummingbird-Friendly Flowers

Hummingbirds are beautiful creatures⁢ that add a touch of magic ‌to any garden. They’re also relatively easy to attract, as long as ‍you⁣ plant⁢ the right flowers. Here are a ​few tips for ⁢growing hummingbird-friendly ⁢flowers:

  • Choose flowers⁣ that bloom in the ‍spring and summer. ​ Hummingbirds are most active during these months, so they’ll appreciate flowers that are‍ in bloom during this time.⁣ Some⁢ good options include bee balm,‌ columbine, ‌echinacea, and lantana.
  • Plant flowers in a variety of colors. Hummingbirds⁤ are attracted to a variety of colors, so it’s a good idea to ‍plant flowers⁣ in a variety ‍of colors. Some‌ popular⁣ colors include red, orange, pink, and purple.
  • Place flowers ‍in a sunny spot. Hummingbirds need sunlight to see​ their food, so ⁣it’s important to place flowers⁣ in a‌ sunny spot.
  • Provide a water source. Hummingbirds need water to drink and bathe, ⁣so it’s⁢ a good idea to provide a⁤ water source in your ⁣garden. A birdbath ⁢or a shallow​ dish of water will do the trick.

By​ following ⁣these tips, ⁣you can attract‍ hummingbirds ‍to ⁤your⁤ garden and⁣ enjoy their beauty all summer long.

Table of Hummingbird-Friendly Flowers

Flower Bloom Time Color
Bee balm Spring‍ to summer Red, pink, purple
Columbine Spring to summer Blue,⁣ white, pink
Echinacea Summer Purple, pink, white
Lantana Summer ⁤to fall Red, orange, ​yellow, pink
Marigold Summer Yellow, orange
Petunia Spring to fall Red,⁢ orange, pink, purple
Salvia Summer Red, pink, purple
Verbena Summer ⁣to fall Blue, white, pink

Hummingbirds⁣ are ⁢attracted to a variety of flowers, but​ not all flowers are created equal. Some flowers ‍are more likely to⁢ attract hummingbirds ​than others.‌ Here ​are a ⁤few ​tips on where to find hummingbird flowers near‌ you:

  • Look⁤ for ⁢flowers with bright, ​saturated colors. Hummingbirds are attracted ​to bright ⁢colors, so look for flowers that are ⁢red, ⁤orange, ‌pink, or purple.
  • Look for flowers with ⁤a long, tubular ⁣shape. ‍ Hummingbirds have long, thin beaks that ‍are perfect for reaching into tubular flowers.
  • Look for‌ flowers⁤ that produce nectar. Hummingbirds feed on nectar, so look‍ for flowers ‌that ⁤produce a lot of nectar.
  • Look for ‍flowers that are⁣ in bloom⁤ during the hummingbird migration season. Hummingbirds migrate‍ south for the winter,⁤ so if you live in ⁣a northern climate, you’ll need to ‌find ⁤flowers that are in bloom during the spring and summer months.

Here is a list of ‍some of the best flowers for attracting hummingbirds:

  • Azaleas
  • Begonias
  • Canna lilies
  • Dahlias
  • Honeysuckle
  • Impatiens
  • Lantana
  • Marigolds
  • Petunias
  • Snapdragons
  • Tropical hibiscus

By following these ​tips, ‍you can attract hummingbirds to your ‍yard and enjoy their beauty⁢ and song all season long.


Resource ​1: The Spruce: Hummingbird Flowers

This⁢ article from The Spruce ‍provides a comprehensive⁣ list of flowers that ⁤attract hummingbirds,⁣ along with information on each flower’s bloom time, color, and nectar content. The ‍article also ⁣includes tips on how to attract hummingbirds to your yard.

Resource ‌2: National Audubon ‌Society:⁣ Hummingbirds

The National Audubon Society’s website provides a wealth of information on hummingbirds, including their habitat,⁢ diet, migration ​patterns, and​ conservation status. The website also includes a list of ​flowers that attract hummingbirds, as well as tips on how to create a hummingbird-friendly garden.

To Wrap It Up


Hummingbirds are ‍a beautiful and fascinating​ addition to ⁢any garden. By ‍planting flowers that ⁣attract hummingbirds, you can enjoy their graceful aerial displays​ and help them to thrive. So next time⁤ you’re ‍planning your garden, be sure to include some of these hummingbird-friendly plants.

Here are our ‌top picks:

  • Salvia
  • Petunias
  • Lantana
  • Trumpet‌ vine
  • Honeysuckle
  • Butterfly‍ bush
  • Bee balm
  • Asters
  • Cosmos
  • Zinnias

With⁣ these flowers ​in your garden, you’re sure to attract plenty of hummingbirds. So ‌sit back, relax, and ​enjoy the show!

Dr. Amanda Owen
See also
Best Tips for Planting and Growing Lavender Plants Successfully

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